Barnsbury Primary School and Nursery Barnsbury Primary School and Nursery
Believe Persevere Succeed

ECO Schools


eco logo


Eco-Schools is a global programme that empowers children to drive change and improve their environmental awareness. It develops pupils’ skills, raises environmental awareness, improves the school environment and develops a range of team and project skills. Barnsbury Primary School and Nursery has most recently achieved the Eco-Schools Green Flag with Merit. 

Our Eco Team is led by a representative from each class across the school, who are supported by Miss Freeland. We meet once a week and undertake environmental projects to improve our school environment and the wider community. 

Last year, we focused on energy, waste and biodiversity. We took part in litter picking across the school grounds, monitored energy usage and planted trees near our Forest School area. We worked with Surrey Wildlife Trust as part of the Wilder Schools’ Project. See our journey here: Barnsbury Primary School and Nursery ( As part of this project, we held a Community Action Day to enhance biodiversity within our school grounds. The Eco Council went on a trip to Whitmoor Common to find out about the importance of Heathlands and what more we can do at school and in our local community to promote biodiversity. This year, we are focusing on marine, school grounds, and transport.

 Some of the ways we are trying to help the environment are: 

Warburtons Bakery Recycling - raise money for our school whilst recycling

We have signed up to Terracycle which is a scheme to recycle a range of items. We are currently collecting bread bags and similar bakery packaging, see the image below. 


When we have collected enough packets, we can send them off to be recycled and we will receive money for them which we aim to put towards our Eco projects. There is a bin in the entrance foyer for you to drop off any empty bread bags or similar bakery packaging.

The Taylors of Harrogate Free Recycling Programme

You can recycle all brands of flexible coffee packaging through this programme. Drop off empty packaging in the bin provided in the main entrance foyer. For more information on these programmes or to see other programmes available, click here: TerraCycle



Battery Recycling


The Big Battery Hunt is a nationwide programme to help educate and inspire young people to recycle more used batteries. Please bring in any old batteries to the main entrance foyer where we have a battery recycling container for you to put them. For more information, click here: Home - Big Battery Hunt



Help to raise funds for our school with your empty Ink Cartridges. Reusing Ink Cartridges stops them from going to landfill or being incinerated. Please bring any old ink cartridges into the main entrance and them place in the collection box. For more information, click here: Recycle4Charity