Barnsbury Primary School and Nursery Barnsbury Primary School and Nursery
Believe Persevere Succeed

School Meals

At Barnsbury Primary School and Nursery, Children have the choice of either having a hot lunch or if preferred can bring in their own packed lunch. School meals are ordered via ParentMail You can choose on a daily basis up until midnight of the day prior to the meal being served. 


All Children are supervised at lunchtime by a team of lunchtime supervisors under the direction of the Senior Mid-day Supervisor and the Headteacher. 

Hot Lunches

A two course nutritionally balanced hot meal is cooked on the premises daily served in the School Hall*. Children are encouraged to eat and try new foods. If a child is not eating over a period of time, you will be informed.

Each day the children are provided with a main course eg a meat, halal* meat or vegetarian option and a dessert. 

From September 2024 meals will be charged at £2.70 per day/£13.50 per week.

Payment for school meals must be made in advance, preferably online(if you need a link code please contact the school office) or via the school office, payment by cheque should be made payable to Surrey County Council.

You can view the week’s dishes on the surrey county council website My School Lunch

Please click on this link to read the Twelve 15 Food Facts

Packed Lunches

Packed lunches are eaten by all children in the keystage 1 hall. We encourage "Healthy Eating" and follow the Government guidelines that can be found here

Barnsbury Nursery

Currently all Nursery children eat their lunch together in the Nursery whether they are hot dinners or packed lunches. Nursery aged children are required to pay for school meals and are not covered by the introduction of universal free meals scheme. However you may be entitled for income related reasons, please see below. 

Due to the serious implications of nut allergies,  Barnsbury is a ‘Nut Free Zone’ which means that no nuts are used in the School Meals or cookery classes. We also ask that no form of nuts be brought into school, in packed lunches ie: cereal bars, peanut butter or chocolate spreads etc, or within chocolates or cakes being given as birthday treats. 

Universal Free School Meals

The Government initiative of universal free school meals for all Reception, Year 1 and 2 children came into effect in September 2014. 

Income Related Free School Meals

Whilst all children in Years R,1 and 2 will be offered a free healthy school lunch, children in Years 3 to 6 may also be entitled to receive them free if you are entitled to one of the following;

  • Income Support 
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance 
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child tax credit with an annual gross income into the household that is no more than £16,190, provided you are not entitled to working tax credit. If you are entitled to any part of working tax credit there is no eligibility with the exception of working tax run-on as shown below 
  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit

If you are in receipt of any of the above (regardless of whether your child is in Years R to 2) registering for free meals could raise an extra £1,300 for our school, to fund valuable support, such as additional teaching staff and after school activities. we would encourage you to apply for free school meals as you may  subject to terms and conditions  be entitled to receive vouchers towards school clubs and trip payments.

You can check your legibility by completing the form below and returning to the school, this information will be treated with strict confidence.

Free school meal/pupil premium application form Nursery & KS2

Free school meal/pupil premium application form KS1

How the information in this form will be used 

The information you provide in this form will be used by the council to confirm receipt of one of the listed welfare benefits.  Once this is confirmed, this helps to decide how much money your child’s school will receive each year. 

You only need to complete this form once and it will last for the duration of your child’s time at their current school. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure the school office is advised of any change of circumstance that may effect your entitlement.