Barnsbury Primary School and Nursery Barnsbury Primary School and Nursery
Believe Persevere Succeed

Values Newsletters


Main Value Tree 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

In this half term, our value is resilience! Resilience is the ability to bounce back and stay strong when things get tough. It's like being a rubber band that stretches but doesn't break. When we face challenges or feel upset, being resilient helps us keep going and find ways to solve our problems. It's about staying positive, asking for help when needed, and believing in ourselves even when things are hard.

Resilience reflection points

Here are some engaging reflection points:

• Bouncing Back: Think about a time when you faced a challenge and found a way to overcome it. How did you feel after you succeeded?

• Staying Positive: What are some ways you can keep a positive attitude when things don't go as planned?

• Seeking Help: Remember, it's okay to ask for help. Who can you turn to when you need support?

• Learning from Mistakes: Mistakes are a part of learning. What have you learned from a recent mistake?

• Self-Belief: Believing in yourself is key. Can you name a strength or talent you have that helps you stay resilient?

At home, encourage your child to think about these points and share their own stories of resilience in class! 

Values activities to try at home with your family
Here are some ways you can show resilience at home:
1. Gratitude Journal: Keep a journal where you write down three things you're thankful for every day. This helps you focus on the positive aspects of your life.
2. Problem-Solving Practice: Create a list of common problems you might face, like losing a toy or having a disagreement with a friend. Brainstorm and write down possible solutions together.
3. Mindfulness and Breathing Exercises: Practice deep breathing or simple mindfulness exercises. Sit quietly, close your eyes, and take deep breaths to help calm your mind.
4. Storytime with a Twist: Read stories about characters who show resilience. Discuss how they overcame challenges and what you can learn from them.
5. Family Strength Chart: Make a chart listing each family member's strengths. Discuss how these strengths can help when facing difficulties.
6. Role-Playing: Act out different scenarios where you might need to be resilient. Practice responses and think about how to stay calm and positive.
7. Creative Expression: Draw or paint pictures that represent challenges you've overcome. This helps you visualize and appreciate your resilience.
8. Physical Activity: Engage in regular exercise, like bike riding, playing sports, or dancing. Physical activity helps reduce stress and build mental strength.
9. Build a Resilience Toolbox: Create a box filled with items that make you feel happy and strong, like favourite books, photos, or inspirational quotes. Use it when you need a boost.
10. Set Goals and Celebrate Achievements: Set small, achievable goals and celebrate when you reach them. This builds confidence and a sense of accomplishment.


We hope you enjoy our value this half term! Don’t forget to always show your values at school and at home.
If you would like any further information about our Values programme please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office.

Sarah Mollett (PSHE Leader)