Barnsbury Primary School and Nursery Barnsbury Primary School and Nursery
Believe Persevere Succeed


Click here to see the Homework Policy

It is important that homework is set appropriately and consistently throughout year groups and the whole school, and that both pupils and parents are clear about what is set and the school’s expectations for its completion. The information below outlines the homework expectations at Barnsbury Primary School. 


  • To encourage basic skills of reading by the sharing of reading materials regularly with an adult.

  • To support the work carried out in the classroom, or prepare children for new topics.

  • To provide reinforcement or development as appropriate to a child’s needs in order to further attainment.

  • To allow parents greater involvement in their child’s education and strengthen home/school links.

  • To nurture in our children a sense of responsibility, self-discipline towards work and to develop in them further good work-related habits such as organisational skills.

  • To provide a step on the road to becoming an independent learner.

  • To reinforce values education within the family setting.

  • To prepare older pupils for the increased workloads at secondary school. 


Homework Timetable

All homework is set on a Wednesday and must be returned the following Wednesday. New homework will then be sent out whilst your child's class teacher marks the previous homework which will be returned the following week. 

Lengthier pieces of work, such as research, will be allowed longer periods. Of course, children work at different speeds and so homework will take longer for some children. If there is a repeated problem with homework parents and carers are asked to contact the class teacher.  

Homework is also set across 2 week holidays: Autumn half term, Christmas and Easter for all year groups. This can be undertaken through project based learning focusing on topics the children have or will be undertaking. In addition, children in Year 6 will have homework relating to SATs including undertaking SATs papers in reading and maths, activities from revision guides and undertaken extended writing pieces.  

Homework tasks follow the expectations of the Department for Education (DfE) and identify the time expectations with phases. 

 Year and Age



Early Years

4-5 year olds

1 hour a week

Daily Reading 

Weekly letter sounds

Weekly mathematics challenge (optional)  

Years 1 and 2

5-7 year olds

1½ hours a week

Daily reading 

Number bonds or Times Table Rock Stars  

English (e.g. comprehension, phonics, sentence level, spellings) 

Topic work (optional) 

Years 3 and 4

7-9 year olds

2½ hours a week

Daily reading 

English (e.g. comprehension, grammar, sentence level) 

Maths including Times Table Rock Stars 

Topic work (optional) 

Years 5 and 6

9-11 year olds

30 minutes per day

Daily reading 

English (e.g. comprehension, grammar, sentence level) 

Maths Times Table Rock Stars 

Topic work (optional)