Barnsbury Primary School and Nursery Barnsbury Primary School and Nursery
Believe Persevere Succeed

Year 5


Parent Curriculum Planner 

Each term, before the children embark on their learning in a new topic, we send home a Parent Topic Planner explaining for parents and carers the learning opportunities across the curriculum that each child will receive. Teachers select and suggest useful websites and places to visit which will enhance and prepare the child for the topic they are about to start. There are also useful dates and a bank of topic words that families may choose to talk through with their children.

Further information on the parent Curriculum please click here.

Year 5 Parent Curriculum Planner Summer 2024

Year 5 Parent Curriculum Planner Spring Term 2024

Year 5 Parent Curriculum Planner Autumn Term 2023


Whole School Curriculum plan 2023/2024

National Primary Curriculum


Parent Workshop Presentations, please click on the blue links below to open the presentation 

Parent Information Meeting Presentation September 2023
Supporting Developing Reading and Comprehension
Growth Mindset Presentation
Teaching Maths



Learning Expectations

Year 5 Spelling Expectations

Year 5 Vocabulary, Grammar & Punctuation 

English Appendix 1 

End of Year 5 Expectations 

Year 6 expectations- By the end of year 4, pupils should have memorised their multiplication tables up to and including the 12 multiplication table in year 5 they must develop their precision and fluency. 


Relationships and Sex Education Overview - Year 5



Please see below some useful websites to assist with your child's learning.  


Purple Mash Information Guides
Information Letter to Parents

Guide to accessing Home Learning Tasks on Purple Mash:


Guide to uploading work on Purple Mash:


Guide to accessing your Class Blog on Purple Mash:




Timestable Rockstar

Please click here to see the Timestable Rockstar Letter

Logging into to the program at home;
 Go to or download the Timestables Rockstar App from the App store.
 You can create a bookmark or favourite for this web address.
 Go to Login (these details are in your children’s reading diaries). Once you are logged in, you will be
asked to create an Avatar and choose a rockstar name for yourself.
 You now need to choose your venue. The Garage and Arena are specifically set questions set by your
class teacher. The Festival and Studio have timestables questions randomly selected up to 12x12.
 Your child will be challenged to see how many timestables questions they can answer in a set amount of
time. As they complete challenges, they can earn Rock Status! We recommend using this programme
for 10 minutes a day.
 For more guidance and help, please see